Blogging Again!

Taken with my Fuji F100fd digital camera.
Well, this blog has lain fallow for over three years... time for an update! So what's changed since then? The super-short summary:
  • Completed level 3 of Sogang University’s Korean language program
  • Was involuntarily relieved of over $15,000
  • Interviewed and hired at Microsoft Korea
  • Resigned from Microsoft Korea
  • Started working part-time at a college prep academy
  • Found two awesome business partners 
Of course, I skipped a lot of details in-between, but I’ll cover those in future blog posts^^ It's fitting that I am back in Busan, where I originally started this blog after discussing my childhood with my Korean mom. Reading my posts from three years ago was quite interesting; it's too bad I didn't keep up with my original plan to do one post per week. This blog has dual purposes: besides sharing my experiences with others, I want to capture those fleeting memories in my head before they're gone forever.

I’ve got lots of blog material, now:
  • Events from the past three years
  • Essay topics on Korea, usability, and education (including one idea that combines all three topics!)
  • Old photos scanned from previous travels
  • New photos taken with the digital camera I finally purchased
  • And of course, I still have the autobiography that started this whole blog; I’ll have to dig up my notes for my retrospective analysis…
      Stay tuned! In the meantime, why don’t you enjoy my previous posts?


      1. I'm glad to see you are blogging again, John--stay at it.

        Jim H.


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